
Jason - 3Y9M Hongbao??? What is it?

Hongbao to Jason does not mean much.  He thinks money is a ticket.  He knows we need to pay for thing we buy but he does not know the existence of money.  I think the problem could be we used to use credit card to pay for everything at store.  


USVI St.John, swimming with a ray

I saw this ray when I went snorkeling with Bill at Maho bay.  It was pretty cool to see it myself.  About snorkeling, I am not able to doing snorkeling more than 30 minutes and get more comfortable to about 12' depth water.  For people like me trained in calm swimming pool, being a bubble maker is the first step in open water. 

I hope next time I will meet a sea turtle.  


今天才發現要安裝Yutube capture 才能上載在iPad 的影片。

恭喜發財 紅包拿到



Car carrier.


考慮再考慮,比較再比較,(三個月夠囉嗦嗎?)終於我也被 APPLE 綁架。 大家都知道iPad air 的長相,就不用多述。經過 一個星期"試用",除了copy 和paste 不太好用,其他的功能都不錯。尤其是手寫中文,可以讓我練習寫中文,畢竟不是用真的鍵盤,手寫比用輸入法快多了,以後我更新部落格的動力會比前幾個月前積極。