托兒所給每個媽媽們一個母親節禮物, 不確定是否每個人都拿到一樣的, 我的是一個相框, 印有 Super J 的小手印和一篇很簡短文句. 那短文不知道是誰寫的, 總之很感動 <-- 面紙要先準備好哦.
Everyday I am exploring
Touching everything I've found
I leave behind my little marks and handprints all around
You clean up those handprints
But someday when I'm grown
You'll wish you had just one handprint to keep for your own
I made this handprint for you
So that one day when I am tall
You'll remember what my hand looked like
Long ago when I was small
1 則留言:
舅媽說, 這段話真的很感人!!