

達達在幹麻呢? 讓我爬上梯子也瞧一瞧.

上星期四晚上 Super J 在半夜睡覺時突然無緣由爬起來站著大哭.  麻麻趕快抱著他拍拍安撫, 一會兒就安靜下來了.  就在 Super J  正在慢慢睡沈時, 達達居然開門示意要我出房門, 我以為達達想知道 Super J 為什麼突然大哭, 比個 OK 的手勢要達達離開, 達達一直要我過去, 最後 Super J 又醒了.  麻麻只好抱著  Super J 跟達達去看的究竟.  因為 Super J 的哭聲響起來, 達達也被吵醒.  達達到廚房去找東西吃時發現地上有一灘水, 初以為是冰箱製冰機有問題, 一滴水滴在達達的頭上, 猛然一瞧, 看見天花板在滴水. 

Super J 看到天花板滴水, 居然還說哦! 哦~~~.  (你也知道滴水很奇怪厚.)

因為天花板己經滲透變很軟, 達達徒手把天花板弄破, 找到漏水的源頭.  那是一條熱水管, 在90度轉角度, 可能是膠水老化, 熱水通過時因為膨脹不會漏, 但等到水溫變冷後就開始漏水.

廚房的地板散了一地天花板的碎片, Super J 一直吵著要下來不讓我抱, 只好抱他回房間睡覺.  達達把在地下室熱水開關關掉, 繼續回廚房收拾一下善後.  隔天早上達達請幾個小時的假在家修水管.


3 則留言:

kelly 提到...


Dad 提到...

We never use plastic tube (PVC)for hot water line especially be built in ceilingor floor, and steel pipe also.
Do you remember the san-chung house?
5F's hot water line was broken and leaked into Kelly's room for a long while. at the last, they installed a new stainless pipe along-side of wall.

Super J 提到...

We do have some galvanized steel pipe and copper pipe installed in our house. The main water supply line is steel or copper line. CPVC material is used about 80% water distribution pipe in our house. It is very common to see cpvc adapted in the new build, especially, after 1995.

The advantage of using cpvc material are
light weight, ease of installation and lower overall installed cost.